Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm not good at anything?

I'm really not good at anything, and it makes me feel like crap all the time. i know what you all think, i HAVE to be good at SOMETHING. but really, i'm not. i suck at sports, i couldn't play them for my life and i'm getting an F in PE. I'm not pretty at all and i can't sing or act. I get queezy talking about medical stuff like blood and the human body. I have no fashion sense, i can't draw, i can't do hair or nails, i can't cook, i can't sew ( well, a little bit :/ ), the list goes on and on.

i guess i'm good at sleeping, eating, being lazy, using my computer and watching TV.

i need to find something i'm good at but i don't know how.

I'm not good at anything?

That's a big thing if you're good using your computer. A lot of people (like my husband) just can't grasp it. Check out some of the computer questions. You might really be able to HELP some people. I know when something goes wrong with mine, it ruins my whole life! I'm not even kidding! I get so depressed.

I think the whole point of this website is to help and advise people. Maybe you're more of a Doctor of Computers than you realize!

Good luck to you! :)

I'm not good at anything?

maybe you just have trouble concentrating in school. Do you think you might have Attention Defficate Disorder.

I was bad in school because of that and i am just now find out i have ADD and am about to go on Meds for it. That might be your problem. Im sure if you could concentrate and have the motivation to do something you will get good at something.

Not everyone is born to be good at something, some people have to work towards being good at something. Even with drawing and music.

I'm not good at anything?

your probably not good at anything because like you said..

"i guess i'm good at sleeping, eating, being lazy, using my computer and watching TV."

Maybe if you picked up a hobbie (outside of your house) and practiced at it... you would be good at something...

Whats the worst that could happen? you might fail? but atleast you took a chance....

but if you never take a chance you'll always fail


I'm not good at anything?

Sounds like you are feeling sorry for yourself, you can use your legs can't you, go for a run, get fit. You can become good at being healthy and go from there.

I'm not good at anything?

once again the key to becoming good at doing something is to find something that stirs your interest once you find that make it your passion, study it, practice it, and i mean practice it a lot, because that's the only way your going to become any good at it, from sewing, writing , journaling sketching, baking, find one thing, stick with it for at least a month then step away from it if you feel a desire to go back to it then you've found something that you can do, but practice is the key to developing your talent so go to it and good luck. B,blessed

I'm not good at anything?

Find something you enjoy doing... you dont have to be good at it... instead focus on becoming good at it...

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