Sunday, November 15, 2009

Will you read this little story and tell me what you think?

The Unauthorized Biography of a Fruit Fly

This story was inspired by a smear of green I cleaned off my wall.

All life has a beginning.

The fruit fly has a rapid life cycle. He lives, he craps, he dies.

This is the story of Chester.

Chester had a very fortunate beginning. If he were Human it would be quite ill-fated, but, being a fruit fly鈥e was very lucky.

Chester was an egg at first, and he was an egg inside of a dumpster on a busy city street. (The dumpster was outside of a Long John Silver鈥檚 restaurant, but that has nothing to do with this story)

Infancy of a fly

Chester quickly changed from egg to larva inside of this fortifying trash bin and was very healthy. He had many other larvas around him, and all were growing and maturing nicely鈥hen several got taken away.

Thoughtless travel

Chester wasn鈥檛 attached to the outside of the metal bin, so he got picked up and put inside of the garbage truck鈥here his adventure truly begins.

??a toddler fly鈥aybe

Chester morphed into his next stage of life鈥?he was inside of a cocoon during this fateful trip. Unbeknownst to him, his Hefty bag fell of the truck,

A stray dog chewed into his bag,

And he was reattached onto matted, bloody hair on the back of a dog,

Ran through a suburban neighborhood (on the back of the dog)

And eventually scratched off, and thrown鈥︹€?

The fly as a teenager鈥?

Lucky Chester landed just as he was becoming a young fruit fly, took wing and flew. He flew into a garage door, up some steps and found a table to swarm around and feed off of. (Didn鈥檛 I tell you he was a lucky fly?)

At the table there were 3 kids eating breakfast.

They were eating waffles and syrup, which Chester found the sweet syrup sticky and delicious.

He found dirty diapers in a trash can, very delicious indeed, and he realized he was growing into an adult fly very quickly.

The anxieties of being an adult fruit fly

Te heavy breakfast and lunch were making Chester feel fat and lazy.

Seeing a bright light shining trough a window, Chester flew over to inspect the view, and maybe take a little break.

RIP Chester

That is when it happened鈥e was squished with a newspaper.

And that was Chester鈥檚 unfortunate ending鈥 cleaned his remains off my wall.


Will you read this little story and tell me what you think?

Wow, nice work. Such an interesting story. Amazing how you came up with the plot. ^_^. I like it.

Will you read this little story and tell me what you think?

If you changed the graphic details a bit it would make a really cute children's book!!!

Will you read this little story and tell me what you think?

U defintely smoke, huh?

Will you read this little story and tell me what you think?

That...was PROFOUND. ;)

Will you read this little story and tell me what you think?

cute, lol.

Will you read this little story and tell me what you think?

I wonder how you came by the idea for such a... unique story. Crit: one or two minor type-os, but other than that I found the story refreshingly brutal and different from the flowery writing that is all too common.

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