Friday, November 13, 2009

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

There seems to be a problem on this forum which is saying that "this is murder, but this is not".

If you say that it's okay for a man to murder the children living in his testes, then you should also say that it's okay for a woman to remove another human being from her body.

I don't make distinctions when it comes to human life, I don't believe in splitting hairs, and getting caught up in moralistic minutae. If something that you do results in another human being not being born, then that is the same as murder. The purpose of sex is not to bring you pleasure, but to create another human being, that's why Yahweh made the act of sex pleasurable, so that the human race would not die out. If you don't want kids, then don't have sex. You can't have your tubes tied either, and you can't have a vasectomy, because those things are unnatural acts, invented by man.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

"You can't have your tubes tied either, and you can't have a vasectomy, because those things are unnatural acts, invented by man."

I certainly hope you don't use antibiotics then, or cook your food, or use air conditioning, or drive a car then, because those (and much more) are invented by man.

Thank you Kelgan, I don't think I've encountered quite such a red-faced fool on Yahoo yet - you are great value.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

According to the bible, and i'm sure in jewish texts as well, Masturbation is a sin, just as much as abortion is.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

Ride Fast, Die Young!!

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

During sex, a man shoots millions of little sperms into a woman's uterus. Only 1 will ever make it to the egg, if any at all. Doesn't that mean, then that sex is murder?

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

A sperm cell is not a baby. Thats like saying that a tire is a car. If you dont like something then dont do it, but dont try and push your shitty dogma on someone else.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

Youre insane.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

Can you spell "fanatic"?

Take up crocheting.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

I would say that the difference here is that the sperm from the man's testes have not yet united with an egg and so are not yet a human being. However, for a woman to have an abortion, the sperm and the egg have united and formed the start of a human being. Prior to having been united with the sperm, the egg was not the start of a human being, either.

Got it?

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

i agree wid confuzzled n Les M completely n also wid daisy

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

I agree with Les M %26amp; Confuzzled

this is just pointless %26amp; pea-brained

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

I agree that masturbation is a sin, not because it does not lead to pregnancy, because there are things husbands and wifes can do that are do not lead to pregnancy that is not a sin, but yeah abortion is wrong, because its murder and masturbation is wrong, because it usually invloves lusting after someone other than your husband/ wife (its wrong for women to do it as well) and even if your thinking about them at the time your still desiring the pleasure more than them so I think its wrong.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

A child is not created until the sperm and egg unite. Last time I checked, a guy only had sperm in his reproductive organs. So there aren't millions of babies in him. It takes that many to give him a shot at getting 1 baby made inside a woman. So abortion and masterbation aren't even in the same neighborhood. Abortion is killing a life that is growing. Masterbation is getting rid of some extra cells that are just in there. Equating the two is like saying masterbation is a tire and abortion is a car. Just because you have 1 piece doesn't make that tire a car, its a TIRE for crying out loud!

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

masturbation is nothin close to being the same as abortion. abortion is killin another living being! sperms being thrown out of a man's penis aint life! its just one of the things required to make life! its not life itself! when a girl or woman aborts esp after 2-3 weeks of pregnancy there is life inside of her! she is killing that! thats murder.

as for masturbation from either of the sexes is not killin a living orgasm! because its not living. its just physical pleasure people giving themselves.

these days people have sex for the sake of fun. if they have signs the woman or girl is pregnant then they opt for abortion. which i think is wrong! if your not ready for a baby take proper measures for it. if your not the right age then why go for it?

thats why you have more divorces and single mothers in today's world!

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

If masturbation was muder, then no one would ever make it to heaven.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

There is no life killed if a person pleases itself. life is born in the begining of pregnancy. if someone aborts a fetus, he prevented life from taking it's natural course, then it's murder.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

You just dumped a whole bunch of information out there that does not pertain to anything . You are just venting or something?

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

Abortion is murder because you are ending a life. Masturbation is not because it is not a life until it meets with an egg. Sperm are not living human beings, they are 1/2 of DNA and do not create life until met with the 1/2 of DNA, (the egg). That being said it is quite a large difference between being pregnant and murdering a living growing child and masturbating. If you go so far as to say masturbation is murder than a woman having her period every month is murder too because she sheds an unused egg. Let's not get that farfetched.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

you're so weird...children do not live in a man's testes. Sperms by themselves are not children and can't be compare to a woman removing a fetus from her body.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

masturbation isnt muder becuase theres not fetus to be murdering.. period. Its avoiding creating life all together. Murder is killing somthing thats already living. Technically, abortion isnt murder either becuase the baby inside you isnt living yet, atleast not during the time restrictions for an abortion.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

Without getting into my personal feelings. I think one argument is this. Humans have two genes for each trait. One from the mother and one from the father. The idea is that once an egg is fertilized the gametes combine and there is one cell that contains all the genetic information of the child that will develop. Therefore they argument is made that that one cell is now able to called a living human. So why do they say masturbation isn't murder? Well, I'm a male, so on my side of the equation, I produce sperm. Each of my sperm cells only has one gene for every trait. Basically it's like half of a normal cell, that when combined with an egg (also haveing only one gene of each trait) they form the whole cell. So Masturbation isn't looked at as murder because the sperm are not full cells nor could they ever develop into a human being on their own. Also the male body produces far more sperm cells than it could ever use. In fact each time a man ejaculates he releases millions of sperm cells. Only one can fertilize the egg so even if you had intercourse in order to have a child, you would still me commiting murder a million times, just to create one life.

For women mastubation can't be murder because they do not release an Egg cell just because they masturbate so the don't kill anything except time....

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

if you dont masturbate then you must clean a lot of bed sheets from sperm loss. if you dont use it then you will ejaculate in your sleep to allow fresh sperm to be produced. i think masturbation is natural but abortion is not.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

hey ,i will clear your doubts, see all the human sperm will not fuse to give rise a foetus, but only one sperm fuses during intercourse that in turn develops into foetus later on it develops into a baby,if you abort this it is a murder i tell you but the only sperm will not develop into foetus,so masturbation is not sin.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

why are we even replying to this Moron. This is stupid

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

are you kidding seem so smart but yet you are coming on here posting something so stupid. get a life.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

Are you serious? You don't understand the difference?

A woman loses at least one egg every month from the time she is around 12 or 13 until she reaches menopause. She is born with 4 million eggs. She can never give birth to 4 million babies.

A man makes new sperm every few days. Sperm doesn't last very long whether the man ejaculates them or not.

Sperm ejaculated into a woman at the time she is ovulating can fertilize her egg. At that point, the fertilized egg has all the DNA necessary to grow into an intelligent or an ignorant adult human being.

Sperm does not have all the DNA necessary. Billions of sperm are ejaculated every second and NEVER make it to an egg. Billions of eggs are lost every month and are never fertilized by sperm.

I think with this information you should be able to figure out the difference between masturbation and abortion.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

well is clear that masturbation is a sin for God, but masturbation is not the only way you have an erection. when a man sleep he has many erections in a night, and this is involuntary. that mean is not murder to masturbate yourself. Why because for to make a human live you need more that a sperm. and I'm not saying masturbation is good, but saying is killing is to much. But when we are talking about Abort, we are talking about killing, with no mercy. sperm + ovule = Human live.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

First of all the stuff in a man testicles are sperm, in a women they are eggs. They are nothing more then that until they are fertilized. So masturbating and cumin are not babies. That is just a very naive comment to make. You should maybe think next time before you speak! =) Yes, I agree that women shouldn't have abortions. But to say that women shouldn't get there tubes tied....Come on. Yes, that might me unnatural, but so is any surgery. So you are saying that if you get in a car accident and are laying on a bed dying, the only way to say yourself is would say No, because the natural thing to do is let your body heal itself instead of having man made devices save your life....If there was no tube tying or what not...there would probably be more abortions. If you don't want a baby ever I would rather you get your tubes tied to prevent having a baby, then getting pregnant and making a baby and then killing it.

How is abortion murder, but not masturbation?

If you're so concerned about this, then stop beating off so much. You're murdering millions and millions of your innocent children every time you do this! (freak)

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