Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Two Kinda Awkward Personal Questions?

The human body is a strange thing:

1. Ok, so like three months ago I had some sort of allergic reaction to my deoderant and most of my armpit hair fell out

(I know... wierd). Now some of it has grown back, but its not a whole lot at all. Like 15-20 hairs per side. Could I have been scarred by the alergic reaction or what?

2. Also within the last two to three months I have noticed pimples starting to show up in wierd places like on my stomach, upper arms, ears, etc. Is this normal puberty or is it something else?

(age 17, male, if it matters...)

Two Kinda Awkward Personal Questions?

No, not likely that the armpits are scarred. Just leave it alone and it will grow back as much as nature intends.

And yes, puberty is characterized by spots, boils and other misery as your body adjusts to the new hormones.

Two Kinda Awkward Personal Questions?

Question 1: It could be permenant, or depending on how long ago the allergic reaction occured, the hairs must be devolping at the beginning, as if you were starting puberty again in your armpit hair. Should grow back soon, if not I would be happy about not having extremly hairy armpits, instead of it being like a big bush.

2. Pimples can grow anywhere in the body, or where ever there are pores. Try washing your stomach, upper arms and ears (haha that sucks) a little better, and treating it with a acne cleanser. Clear the pores out, and they should go away. However, you might just be realeasing alot more hormones than normal, producing the excess pimples. It might also be stress related. Im sure in about a month your skin will clear up.

Both could be related, in that the homrones to grow your hair back are causing the pimples. Just a thought

If it concerns you alot, ask you doctor who treated the allergy with your deoderant, he would know if there releated and if the hair will grow back

Two Kinda Awkward Personal Questions?

Im not sure about number 1. It will probobly take a while for it to grow back fully. and for num 2 that hapened to me too. Although im 14....i get them on my upper arm and ears, but not my stomach. But we are pretty much the same. email me if you have anymore questions.

Two Kinda Awkward Personal Questions?

Pimples, absolutely normal.

Arm pit hair, that is bizarre but it happens. The hair will take time to grow back because the follicles get affected and don't want to produce hair or anything.

Don't worry, you're fine.

Two Kinda Awkward Personal Questions?

Hey not sure about number 1 haven't heard of that before... but just keep an eye on it.

Number two however is just normal puberty! I'm 18 and still get small spots on my shoulders. Nothing to worry about just all part of growing up lol

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