Sunday, November 15, 2009

How long would you shake the box full of ipod components to make an ipod?

This is to check how old the earth is, how long it took to have everything to come up to the way things are - in other words evolution the evolution theory that supposes life came by chance is the worst nonsense I have ever come accross and to find a normal human can actually believe in it is just beyond me. Answr me how long it would take to make an ipod by having all the componets in a box and then you start shaking the box till every part falls in the right place to make an ipod and please bear in mind that the even just one single brand of man's hair is more complicated than just the simple ipod.

How long would you shake the box full of ipod components to make an ipod?

The answer is simple: it takes less than 4.5 billion years. Just consider the earth as an even larger well-shaken box. All of the molecules necessary for constructing an IPod have been on the earth since "day one", so this answer is most reasonable.

Of course, if you happen to believe that the earth is considerably younger, say about 6000 years old, then your answer would be the more ridiculous sounding number of 6000 years.

I suppose you also find it incredible that people believe something as amorphous and fluid as water can turn into a patterned, solid structure like ice? (The pattern I refer to is the pattern of the molecules, not the pattern of someone's ice tray.)

No one is born with a good sense of probability, and even the greatest mathematicians only seem able to achieve a modest sense of probability. That's why they have axioms and theorems to keep their poor senses of what is likely and what is not likely from interfering with the truth. If you apply those axioms and theorems correctly, you would see that what seems rather unlikely in this case (life arising by chance) actually isn't so unlikely, given the nature and large scope of things. Thus, to reasonably propose the assertion of an outside designer would require that you mathematically demonstrate the unlikelihood of life arising by chance. Clearly this cannot be done. (If it could be done, scientists like me would believe you.)

How long would you shake the box full of ipod components to make an ipod?

actually it would be totally random how long it would take, it could happen on the first go or after a billion years but it isn't a great analogy as mechanics are very definately man made, entirely different to organic matter.

What do you believe in if not evolution?

How long would you shake the box full of ipod components to make an ipod?

The idea that all life developed by chance is indeed total nonsense.

But this is NOT, repeat NOT, what evolution teaches!

Get your head round that. So your question is wholly pointless. Instead, read a book on evolution to find out what the theory actually says instead of just repeating the tiresome nonsense that is being spread by creationists in the hijacked name of evolution.

Claiming that 'evolution' means life came about by chance is like claiming that 'creationism' means slitting babies' throaths in the name of Satan.

How long would you shake the box full of ipod components to make an ipod?

Simply and elegantly put, secret. Just to add a note or two...

Nothing from mechanical macrotechnology has ever been able to reproduce itself. This is one of the fundamental differences between living and non-living things. In fact, it should be one of the first things anyone learns in a general biology class in high school. The textbook we use for gen. bio. has it on page 16...within the first week of the school year, my students have been taught and quizzed on the fundamental characteristics of life, the second of which is that living things can reproduce. Yes, an iPod, 747, calculator, space shuttle, etc. are all extremely complex--less so than the human body--and required a creator or intelligent designer to fashion them into being. But none of these things can reproduce on their own. Not only that, they are not made up of cells, and they don't grow and develop--hence, not living.

Don't get me wrong...analogies are extremely useful--in some cases. But you can't use an analogy that compares living to non-living things as the basis for a scientific theory.

How long would you shake the box full of ipod components to make an ipod?

well evolution takes millions of years to happen properly so i guess the ipod would take about that long as well.

however the animal that is evolving depends on it,s habitat to decide what it evolves into so evolution is not just by chance.

How long would you shake the box full of ipod components to make an ipod?

Obviously this shows that there is an almighty creator that created the universe and is a supreme being. he probably also sent his only son to earth and sacrificed him to free man kind from sin.

How long would you shake the box full of ipod components to make an ipod?

I don't believe that if you shook a box full of ipod components that you would make an ipod, but then I don't believe with the evolution theory as there just seems to be too many gaps in it.

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