Friday, November 13, 2009

Why are guys and girls looked at differently?!?

Why isn't it "lady like" to admit you're human and talk about normal things? I hate being a girl, because so often I have to pretend like I'm better or "not human" or something.

I'm a girl, and I:

-Take sh*ts regularly, sometimes have bad diarrahea too!

-I masturbate at least twice a week.

-I pick my nose when no one is watching.

-I fart, sometimes silent, sometimes freakin' loud and smelly!

-I burp, sometimes really loud too!

-I get HEAVY periods sometimes, small blood clots come out, and get bad cramps.

-I don't shave my legs %26amp; armpits everyday! It's NOT fun, and when I wear pants and long sleeve shirts, who really cares.

-If I don't shave my armspits for a week, I get some serious hair there too!

-I wax my upper lip about twice a month.

-I hate going to the gynocologist, it's not fun, nor is it fun having to buy tampons/pads, or using them.

-I've had a couple yeast infections in my life.

-No it's not fun having to remember to take birthcontrol pills.

Why are guys and girls looked at differently?!?

from the sounds of it, you don't need to use birth control.

Why are guys and girls looked at differently?!?

haha me too about the periods.

god- it makes me wish guys have to go through this pain every single month. I get such bad PMS that I threw a whole thingy of pudding at one of my guy friends! I just get so mad and pissy. omg- I really wish I was a little kid again!

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