Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Can dogs' skin on their belly tan from exposure to the sun?

I know this might seem like a silly question, but I have a small 7-lb black dog with little hair on his belly and even less hair in his "private" area. His skin there is usually light colored, but it's been brown lately, almost dirty looking. The last 2 weekends he has been outside basking in the sun on his back and side, so I didn't know if maybe the sun actually tanned him like it would a human. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Can dogs' skin on their belly tan from exposure to the sun?

Yes they can as as you mention the skin gets darker, my chinese crested is kept in PJ's as it is still cool here he unprotected butt and face is nearly black with tan lines along the butt from the end of his PJ's and the rest of his skin is grey, you can use human sunscreen if he is going to be spending a lot of time in the sun another good idea is to apply chapstick with sunscreen on his nose as well

Can dogs' skin on their belly tan from exposure to the sun?

I know dogs can be affected by the sun (burns, cancers etc.) so tanning is plausible, perhaps most dogs just don't lie on their backs often enough to get as tan as your guy! =)

Can dogs' skin on their belly tan from exposure to the sun?


BUT N0T SURE.......

Can dogs' skin on their belly tan from exposure to the sun?

It can not only tan, they can sunburn so if he has the habit of laying on his back in the sun, you might want to add some sun screen.

On the other hand, try to give it a wash, maybe it is only dirt.

Can dogs' skin on their belly tan from exposure to the sun?

No, but they can get sunburn.

Can dogs' skin on their belly tan from exposure to the sun?

Because dogs can get sunburns, this is very possible. When a human gets a sunburn, after a while, it turns into a tan. If you didn't see any redness in that area before you noticed the tanish color, I'd say he is just dirty or has some skin thing going on. This might be a good thing to ask your vet.

Hope this helps!!

Can dogs' skin on their belly tan from exposure to the sun?

Yes it can be tanning which could also have been from burning. If this is a habit of his a sun screen meant for infants is a good choice as it is less likely to cause a reaction to the skin, make sure it's well rubbed in though as you don't want him licking and becoming ill !

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