Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why do people insist on saying there is more than one race?

Aren't we all part of the Human Race? %26amp; how exactly do you define the so called white, asian, black races when we all share the same ancestors? Isn't it all the same as 2 people with different hair color, or eye color, or height, or physical build, or facial shape?

Why do people insist on saying there is more than one race?

People by nature desire a way to seprate themselves into groups so they can feel supreme, safe, or more divine than another group. You will see this with finacial, caste, religion, nationalism, age, and even sexes. Sight is the sense that gets the most attention by us, so we tend to judge people by sight. i.e. first impression (before even talking), or love at first sight. These 2 reasons alone account for the fact that MOST people in the world believe there are many races and they are defined by appearance, but those appearances signify other important differences. Note, I said believe, not that it is true.

Now, as far as the same ancestors. An intersteing debate would be to ask exactly when is it that we define ourselves as "different"? How many generations does it take? If me and my brother have children and they have children and so on, then how far before our gentic line is considered a seprate race by people? That is pretty much what has happened here on earth. I say it really comes back to differences in appearance primarily being skin color because hair and eyes can change in too few of generations.

I will give you a very very very good example of how it has absolutely NOTHING to do with fact and EVERYTHING to do with appearances. Many "black" people in the usa are the result of a "white" master and "black" slave and yet they are considered "black" because of skin color and not knowing of white father. Along the same line there are many "white" people in the usa who are the result of a secret "black" lover and "white" woman and are considered "white" based on skin color and not knowing of black father. So am I to believe I belong to a certain race solely because of my skin color and not because of ancestors? If anyone says ancestors matter, then they better get a dna test before they start declaring too avidly that they belong to any single race based on what their mommy told them and their skin color!!

Why do people insist on saying there is more than one race?

There millions of different races.

Why do people insist on saying there is more than one race?

Your educational disability is showing,or your liberalism is over extended

There are three races on the planet,so try not to get too offended

In most cities a liberal card is usually free

try getting one, then maybe you'll see

That each race came from a very different place and time

That blacks %26amp; Asians ancestry are very different from mine

Like most brain washed liberals ,you want so hard to believe;

that everyone everywhere is equal,but you've been deceived

We are far more different, than just the color of our skin and hair

In trying to equivocate these few similarities,you don't have a prayer

Why do people insist on saying there is more than one race?

Because there is more than one race. There's no such thing as the "human race." Humans are a species, homo sapiens, not a race. There are scientifically measurable differences between the races. From the most obvious - skin color - to bone density and proportions.

And it gets better. Recent research shows that...

閳ユ窏uman races are evolving away from each other...We are getting less alike, not merging into a single, mixed humanity.閳?br>

Edit: Good question, why do you ask? You're obviously not interested in a real answer. I provide an up to date (Dec 07) source who is an anthropology professor, a source whose work was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. You counter with ad hominems. Since you obviously don't care, why do you ask?

Why do people insist on saying there is more than one race?

Would you like my scientific side to answer ? or spiritual ?

There is no such thing as the human race. We are a species .. there are 3 ..races within our species.. theres Caucasoid, ******* and Mongoloid .. nowadays .. sometimes Indians are considered a race as well .. (now sure of the scientific term) (black, white, yellow and red)

There are many differences in the races .. from differences in intelligence .. physical ability .. bone structure .. eye sight .. hair color and texture .. skin color .. the list is really endless..

Yes .. if you go back far enough (bout 2 million years ago) .. we did (somewhat) have the same ancestors .. but over the course of 2 million years with humans spreading all over the globe .. we have developed distinct differences..

.. now do these differences matter to us other then for scientific research and an interesting read ? .. No .. We are all humans.. we are all connected .. we all have the same wants and needs. We all want respect from each other.. We all want to love .. and be loved..

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