Friday, November 13, 2009

Girls don't know true love. why?

I believe girls do not know true love, because girls born in love with every single thing in life, like a dress, a hair style, a car, a house ... and a good man to go with all this!!, yes girls only want a man who's loving and caring, and when this caring fade out a little they panic and start to look for another man, they expect and not accept, and you probably will notice that lots of girls talk shows focus on that men are not caring enough or they do not respect girls,well thats is not true at all, but girls want men to feel that it is true, because they fear of what they really are in nature, and believe me girls never have enough of anything, thats why i believe they got half brain of a man, girls are born on earth for men to enjoy so girls try to live with this fact. maybe you will endup with a human male this time.

Girls don't know true love. why?

i have heard that prozac works wonders sweetie. chill out on the woman hating thing. just cause one treats you badly, doesnt mean were all the same. thats like saying you hate dogs because one bit you. we dont all bite. promise. oh...and i guess i got lucky...i guess i got man brains in your book. cool.

Girls don't know true love. why?

SOMEbody sounds a little bitter..........

Girls don't know true love. why?

Man... I thought this was just a frenzy attack to the girls at the beginning, and by the time I finished reading, it made great sense :P

Girls don't know true love. why?

Who dumped you? Get some ice cream, please.

Girls don't know true love. why?

Son, that is why it is your right to choose so do it wisely

in short, you get to pick the girl/woman that you want .

make sure that when the choice is made that you and the one you want are on the same page, get it!!!!

Girls don't know true love. why?

Girls may not but this woman does. I am very happy with my life and my husband. Where are you looking for a good woman? In bars and clubs....? If you do not believe that any good women exist then you might as well give up. I hope you won't.

Girls don't know true love. why?

Your question is pretty silly and I think you are just trying to get a rise out of people but I will answer it anyway.

You state that "when this caring fade out a little they panic" - wouldn't you if someone stopped caring about you?

I believe you attract what you put out there. There are all kinds of women - rude ones, gold diggers, but there are also loving, caring ones. If you have a problem with ones you are attracting, maybe its you who should change.

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