Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How to explain racism to a 4 year old child?

I have raised my daughter to understand that having a different skin color is just like having a different hair or eye color. We are all the same, no matter what we look like. I don't use the word race - unless I'm referring to the human race.

Unfortunately today, as my daughter and her multi-ethnic friends were playing, she approached the new neighbor and asked her if she wanted to play. The young girl told her that her (the neighbor's) parents do not want her to talk or play with "black" kids, because "whites and blacks are different races and they don't play together, just like cats and dogs don't play together." I was totally shocked and just told my daughter to go back to playing with her friends. I was tempted to tell the girl how mean that was, but I didn't say anything. I know she's only repeating what her parents told her.

But, this incident left my daughter completely confused! She doesn't even understand what a "black" person is - she sees it as her friends are just darker skinned than her - no different than her friends who have lighter hair than her. To her, this was as crazy sounding as if the girl said "they don't let her talk to people with green eyes." and I've never wanted her to start seeing people's skin color and thinking that makes them different from her.

I am left now trying to figure out the best way to explain this girl's comments to a 4 year old. I don't want her to start looking at someone's skin color and thinking that makes them different from her - or worse, thinking it makes them a different "race." How do I explain the ignorance of racism without making her look at someone's "color?"

How to explain racism to a 4 year old child?

I am so sorry to hear that! Growing up I didn't know what all that was either, as a mixed Puerto Rican/European child, but I've experienced it in subtle ways, exclusion from Jewish, Indian (East Indian), and Asian kids because I wasn't one of them and never was quite "up to snuff".

Sadly, racism exists and it affects children. A while back I had to explain to my two younger cousins what being mixed race was after I realized according to America I'm "mixed" and separate from everybody else.

I think you are doing a good job explaining to your daughter as is, and tell her that stereotypes and things like that girl said to her are mean and inappropriate. Best to keep her away from that girl and her family.

How to explain racism to a 4 year old child?

*says to daughter in a soft pleasant voice * "Well, Honey , some people are just ignorant." XD

well of course im kidding ..dont tell your daughter that...but it is the truth. Ignorance is bliss ..... and its a true shame our children still have to suffer this from adults. We all know the little girl didnt just make it up. So the blame falls on the parents who apparently needed a little better guidance themselves. I hope u let your daughter know that that is not the way she should view things but it seems like u are already doing that so ....BRAVO MOM *claps hands*

Blessed be

How to explain racism to a 4 year old child?

basically, leave it as this, until she grows older.

'people who say its bad for people of different colors to play together are poo poo heads.'

thats about as much as she will understand anyway.

How to explain racism to a 4 year old child?

There is no way to explain it without including the color of ones skin. Not discussing it kind of makes it "taboo" doesn't it? Try being as simple as possible. Explain that our differences make each one of us special. Skin color does make her different from someone of a different color and there is nothing wrong with that. You should teach her to accept others for what makes them unique instead of ignoring it.

How to explain racism to a 4 year old child?

I am of mixed ancestry Italian and American (I mean the original people of America, the American indian) so the thing is that I didn't realize that until I moved to the US and found out that I was of "mixed" ancestry and realize that all my friends were of mixed ancestry too. I have my best friend from highschool and at age 30 I've realized that he is arab HAHAHA I thought he was Latin for real..but he is not, he is arab...that is how I was raised.......totally color blind. Cause he was raised in the same country and we both speak the same language and all, I never bother to check race on my friends but I have jews, Latin, white, chinese, Palestinian and American Indian and mixed.

I don't remember my parents telling me anyything about race. They just told me if the person is nice and good morals and values, color is irrelevant. I had a happy childhood and never ever seen my friends as "multi-ethnic", that sounds too "aware" of race. I don't know just let her be a kid, kids don't care and expose her to many cultures. You will find good and bad families in every race.

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